Thank you for discovering the insides of electric mobility at EV2017!

Once again the EV SHOW brought in one place all that matters to be seen in electric mobility in Romania and kept everybody “plugged in”.

We would like to thank you for your active participation and contribution to the 12th edition of Electric Vehicles International Conference and Show and we hope you had a great experience here at Icpe Solar Park, learning new things, meeting amazing people who share your passion for e-mobility and had the chance to choose your future brand new electric car at EV SHOW.

W1 : New trends for electric vehicle propulsion systems

W2 : Electric vehicle development in Europe

W3 : Management strategies and innovative solutions for e-mobility

AutoKlass Mercedes-Benz
E-Motion Electric
EV Romania
Kia Romania
Nurvil VW
Renault Technologie Roumanie
Stiinta si Tehnica
TiriacAuto Mitsubishi Romania

Icpe Solar Park is the first experimental base with outdoor component in renewable energy from Romania, providing laboratories for characterization of renewable technologies, the first Romanian photovoltaic application integrated into the facade of a building specific applications of photovoltaic, solar thermal, small wind power, type tracker systems, heat pumps, components for electric mobility.

Icpe Solar Park is a functional pilot that educate the public in the spirit of environmental preservation, encourage the use of renewable energies and the understanding of the concept of sustainable development.

The scientific, tehnical and experimental capabilities created by the construction of Icpe Solar Park provides a complete package of ESCo services, which guarantee the success of the investment project.

By participating in this project, children have learned through specific methods for their age and understood the implications of the conventional transport and the importance of developing the “electric vehicles” field  for mankind.

We discovered ingenious green transport solutions seen through the eyes of the next generation.

See the drawings
EV2017 Programme

1. Electric Vehicles

1.1. Autonomous Driving
1.2. Systems: propulsion, electronics and drives
1.3. Batteries: Modeling & Safety
1.4. Markets and new technologies

2. Infrastructure for electric mobility

2.1. Smart Grid & Infrastructure & V2G Vehicles
2.2. Energy Efficiency and Life Cycle Analysis
2.3. Electrification of transport logistic vehicles

3. Policies and strategies in the field of electric mobility

3.1. EU strategies, EV standards, policy, education, market
3.2. Romanian policy
3.3. Regional and Global Introduction Scenarios

Prof. Valentin Năvrăpescu – University Politehnica București, Faculty of Electrical Engineering – President

Prof. Adrian Badea – University Politehnica București, Faculty of Power Engineering / The Academy of Romanian Scientists

Prof. Alberto Tenconi – Politecnico di Torino, Department of Energy

Prof. Claudia Laurența  Popescu – University Politehnica București, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Prof. Claudia Marțiș – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Electrical Machines and Drives

Conf. Dragoş Niculae – University Politehnica București, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Prof. Florea Ioan Hănţilă – University Politehnica București, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Prof. Florin Constantinescu – University Politehnica București, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Genevieve Cullen – Electric Drive Transportation Association

Prof. Grigore Danciu – University Politehnica București, Faculty of Transports

Prof. Johan Gyselinck – Université libre de Bruxelles

Martin Zaimov – Bulgarian Electric Vehicles Association (BAEPS)

Prof. Mihai Iordache – University Politehnica București, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Prof. Mihai Maricaru – University Politehnica București, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Prof. Mircea Eremia – University Politehnica București, Faculty of Power Engineering

Dr. Paul Minciunescu – Icpe

Dr. Pietro Perlo – Ïnteractive Fully Electrical Vehicles (IFEVS) / Torino E-District

Prof. Radu Iustin Bojoi – Politecnico di Torino, Department of Energy

Dr. Viorel Stanciu – Icpe

Prof. Yosef Yeshurun – Bar-Ilan University, Institute of Superconductivity and Center for Magnetic Measurements

We thank our partners for all of their support

See you in 2019!